a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Nonprofits must continually think and act strategically to keep pace with the speed of change. We help nonprofits stay ahead of trends, see things in new ways, and quickly move from analysis to action, leading to results.
Strategic planning involves the development of a collective vision, mission, and corresponding strategic themes and goals. As a result, organizations’ activities and initiatives improve focus and the accomplishment of important goals becomes more attainable. More than that, strategic planning will impact the organization financially by requiring funding over the company operational budget. In other words, strategic planning consist in a concepts, tools, procedures intended to help organizations and people figure out what they can do, why and how.

Our revolutionary approach to nonprofit strategy development enables organizations to remain flexible and to successfully respond to their changing environment Reconsider strategies that have or haven’t worked in the past and ensure strategies don’t conflict with each other, i.e., that implementing one strategy will not impair implementation of another. We’ll help you recognize strategies to be associated with, e.g. resolve major issues, and develop new products or methods of delivery, service additional or smaller groups of customers, or mergers/collaborations for survival and efficiency.
a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Set up your nonprofit’s strategy for today’s rapid-response world!
a As nowadays business world is in continued transformation, the only winning tactic is simultaneous operations, with almost real-time feedback from measures implemented. This way the organization benefits from a strategy clearly oriented towards future results, resources more efficiently allocated towards executing strategic initiatives and outcomes that assess performance.
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The terms “strategic planning” and “business planning” are often used interchangeably, but they refer to two distinct processes with different uses. While strategic planning is a process of considering and making strategic decisions, business planning goes deeper, assessing the risks and defining in detail the practical requirements of implementing a given strategy.
a a Our seasoned team of consultants deftly balances sensitivity to social sector values with rigorous analysis, building a practical business case to advance your mission. We work collaboratively with clients to help them understand their organization’s business model, assess emerging trends, and seize the opportunities presented by a dynamic environment.
Discover how business planning can strengthen your work!
Nonprofit governance means the set of processes, customs, policies, and laws affecting the way in which a nonprofit organization is directed, administered, or controlled. It also includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved, entailing the functions of setting direction, making policy and strategic decisions, overseeing and monitoring organizational performance, and ensuring overall accountability.
Board Development
The board has governance responsibilities meaning that the board is responsible for planning and influencing the nonprofit’s activities. We help boards excel with a range of uniquely tailored services, from expert guidance in crafting governance models to comprehensive board assessment and development. Working closely with nonprofit boards is integral to most of our engagements because strong boards build strong organizations.
Leadership Development
As the nonprofit sector is expanding and the available resources for funding remain the same if not decreasing, leaders are called upon to envision new, creative ways to finance the process and demonstrate accuracy comparable to for-profit companies in monitoring expenses and in general economic results. This starts with investing in leadership capacity, by choosing individuals with not only technical expertise but also coachable, flexible, and entrepreneurial.
Let’s develop your nonprofit’s most valuable resource, its people!
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